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Sunday 21 May 2017

what are the generations of computer

                                         GENERATIONS OF COMPUTER

Types of Computer* : According to size and capacity following are various types of Computer_

Micro Computer : These computers are used by individual, thus also called PC or Personal Computer. These days P.Cs are largely used for domestic and official purposes etc.

Mini Computer : This type of computer is comparatively larger than that of micro computer. This is 5 to 50 times more powerful than that of a Micro Computer.

Main Frame Computer : These are large sized computers. By Time Sharing and Multi Tasking techniques many people rather more than 100 people can work at a time on different terminals of this computer.

Super Computer : These are very powerful computers and have more storage capacity. These are the most expensive and the fastest computers, able to process most complex jobs with a very high speed.

Quantum Computer : The development of this type is in final stage. Probably Quantum Computers will be more advanced than that of human brain. In Quantum Computers Q -Bit will be used in lieu of Binary Bits.

Programming Languages of different generations

    Generation :- Languages

       1st Generation (1940-52) :- FORTRAN- i

              2nd Generation (1952-64) :- FORTRAN-ii, ALGOL - 60, COBOL, LISP

              3rd Generation (1964-71) :- PL / I, ALGOL - W, ALGOL - 68, Pascal, SIMULA - 67,     APL, SRNOBOL, 4 BASIC, C

               4th Generation (1971) :- CLUE, ALFARD, UCLID, Reformed Pascal, MODULA, EDA, ORACLE

               5th Generation (For future) :- Artificial Intelligence Languages.

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