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Friday 26 May 2017

How to install Whatsapp on computer or laptop

How to install Whatsapp on pc

                                                         Hi, Whatsapp is now available on the Official Whatsapp website. Now we can install Whatsapp on our personal Computer or laptop. It works similar to the Whatsapp Web  and has similar features.
how to install whatsapp on pc

 Step by step Procedure to get Whatsapp on your P.C :

1.Visit the download page on the Whatsapp website   click here....
2. If you are using a 64 BIT PC/Laptop, click the 64bit button or click 32Bit version that works on Windows 8 and higher OS     versions.
3.Install the software as any usual software application.
4.Run the program by clicking the Whatsapp icon
      you will be able to see the below screen

how to install whatsapp on pc

5.Now open WhatsApp on Mobile and Click the three dots on the right top side of the app. Select WhatsApp web.
6.Scan the QR code like you do to connect on Whatsapp Web app.
7. You will be now connected to the WhatsApp Program. Keep your WhatsApp on Mobile on for the program to work seamlessly.

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