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Thursday, 1 June 2017

This App pays you reward for answering survey

    It is a great news that google has rolled out it's Opinion Reward apps in india. The user requires to answer some survey and in return they get rewards. It can be used to make Google Play store Purchases. The app has also been launched in Singapore and Turkey. 
 App pays you reward for answering survey

About Reward app

Opinion Rewards is quite simple. Once you sign up, you'll be asked to complete surveys. Once a survey is successfully completed, you are rewarded with Google Play Store credits that can be used to purchase premium and other paid content. You'll get a notification on your phone when a short and relevant survey is ready for you, and can receive up to $1.00 in Play credit for completing it. Questions can range from, "Which logo is best?" and "Which promotion is most compelling?" to "When do you plan on traveling next?"
After the app is downloaded, you are asked to share some basic information ( name, address) about yourself. However, some of this information is optional.

Google uses a number of ways to discover users who are may be trying to trick the system. If it is determined by the company that a particular user is not answering truthfully, they will be sent fewer surveys. So if the user want to continue using the app and earning rewards, you should stick to giving honest answers and finish surveys truthfully. you can earn reward by using this app. It is a best way to make money by answer to survey.
Reward app

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