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Monday, 5 June 2017

What are the Top 5 Whatsapp Features

      Whatsapp is the most widely used messing app. It allowed the user to make voice calls, one to one video calls, send text messages, images, GIF, videos, documents, user location, audio files, phone contacts and voice notes to other users through internet using standard cellular mobile numbers. It also incorporates a feature called Status, which allows users to upload photos and videos to a 24-hours-lifetime feed that, by default, are visible to all contacts. 
What are the Top 5 Whatsapp Features
                                              The popular app also keeps getting updates, here are top 5 such updates.

      Top Five features

1. Two Step Authentication Feature

 Two Step Authentication Feature

                    The two-step verification feature adds extra layer of security to users' account by requiring a secondary method of authentication. It aims at preventing others from using your phone number without a six-digit passcode (set by you). The feature is one of the most widely used security feature across various digital platforms. Almost all technology companies like Apple, Google, Instagram, Twitter have introduced two-factor authentication for security of their users.

2. Pinned Chats

Pinned Chats
           WhatsApp recently got one of it's feature -- Pinned chats. The chat-pinning feature allows makes it easier for users to pin important chats on the top of the conversation list. Once a conversation is pinned, it stays on the top of the list even after new messages are received. Users can pin up to three individual or group chats on the top a conversation list. To pin a chat, users just need to tap and hold a chat, and then tap the pin icon placed next to the delete, mute and archive options. Once done, the chat will be moved right on the top. The feature is only available on Android phones so far.

3. Whatsapp Text Status

                WhatsApp brought back its text Status feature after popular demand. Earlier this year, the company had replaced the text status feature with another similar one called 'Status' that allowed users to add images, videos and GIFs as their status. Similar to Snapchat Status and Instagarm Stories, this 'Status' feature too comes with a expiry limit of 24-hours, after which it is automatically deleted. WhatsApp faced a lot of criticism for removing the text status as not too many users like the new 'Status' feature. How to install Whatsapp on pc?

4. New Video Calling Button

 New Video Calling Button

               WhatsApp also introduced a separate icon for video calls on Android phones. The video-calling button replaces the attachment button, which has been relocated to the bottom of the text bar. The company recently announced that India is the top country in the world to use its video-calling feature.
5.Siri can read your WhatsApp messages aloud

             Apple's voice assistant Siri can now read  WhatsApp messages for you. The feature comes in Version 2.17.20 of the app and requires iO 10.3 or later to work.

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