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Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Blue Whale An Online Suicide Game


The Blue Whale  is an online suicide game which is encouraging people to kill themselves. it's thought a group administrator assign daily tasks to members.The task include self harming, watching horror movies and walking at unusual hours etc.At the end they instruct the youngsters to commit suicide.
The dangerous game has been caused for at least 130 teen deaths in Russia. Police in UK have now started warning parents about the challenge. 
The game was created by Philipp Budeikin, a former psychology student who was expelled from his university. Budeikin stated that his purpose was to "clean" the society by pushing to suicide those he deemed as having no value.Blue Whale began in 2013 with "F57", one of the names of the so-called "death group" of the VKontakte social network. It is believed that the first case of suicide related to the game occurred in 2015 in Russia.
 The game is based in the relationship between the challengers (also called players or participants) and the administrators. It involves a series of duties given by the administrators that players must complete, usually one per day, some of which involve self-mutilation. Some tasks can be given in advance, while others can be passed on by the administrators on the day, the last task being suicide.


In March 2017, authorities in Russia were investigating approximately 130 separate cases of suicide related to the phenomenon. In February, two teenagers, 15-year-old Yulia Konstantinova and 16-year-old Veronika Volkova, threw themselves off the top of a 14-story building in Irkutsk, Siberia, after completing 50 tasks sent to them. Before they killed themselves together, Yulia and Veronika left messages on their pages on social networks. Yulia published the photo of a large blue whale and then wrote "End". Veronika used to post things like "Do you feel that you become useless?" and "I am just a ghost". On the day of her death she wrote "Sense is lost... End". Also in February, a girl known as Ekaterina, 15, was in critical condition after throwing herself out of an apartment and falling on snow-covered ground in the town of Krasnoyarsk, also in Siberia.


The parents of a 13-year-old boy in Velika Plana noticed self-inflicted injuries in his hand, after which they reported the case to the police.

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