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Friday, 26 May 2017

Twitter may soon let users edit tweets

Twitter may soon let users edit tweets

                                          Bringing more controls to the platform, Twiter CEO Jack Dorsey said that the company was thinking to bring editing functionality to tweets.
In a tweet , Dorsey asked users what changes they wanted to be made in Twitter.
"Following the footsteps of Brian Chesky : what's the most important thing you want to see Twitter improve or create in 2017# Twitter2017," Dorsey tweeted.
According to a report on the Variety on Thursday, Dorsey made these remarks as part of an impromptu public town hall with Twitter users, asking them for feedback on how to improve the service.
Users made repeated requests to add edit funcion to the microblogging site.
"The request for an edit button for tweets came up multiple times, and Dorsey seemed to signal that the company is gearing towards a time-limited window to allow for the correction of typos right after a tweet was sent.," the report noted.

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